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Consultations on Taliban Sanctions Committee

On Monday (30 January), Council members will hold closed consultations on the 1988 (a.k.a. Taliban) Sanctions Committee, established by resolution 1988 on 17 June 2011. Ambassador Peter Wittig (Germany), the chair of the Committee, is set to brief Council members for the first time since its establishment. (Resolution 1988 requests the Committee to make periodic reports to the Council on information it has received regarding the implementation of the resolution but does not specify a time frame for the reporting.) It appears that the members of the Committee are following a twice yearly reporting cycle, with a mid-term report and a final report just before the end of its mandate. It seems that Ambassador Wittig will deliver a statement, which was agreed on by the members of the Committee on 26 January. The statement is likely to focus on the efforts of the Committee to implement resolution 1988, in particular its cooperation with Afghanistan and the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

It seems the statement will also cover the Committee’s efforts to update the sanctions list with the assistance of the monitoring group. Since it was established in June 2011, the Committee has deleted 15 entries, added 8 individuals and amended 105 entries from the sanctions list. In December 2011 it adopted the guidelines for the conduct of its work.

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