What's In Blue

Security Council to Conduct First Straw Poll

Tomorrow morning (21 July), Security Council members will take the first step in testing the viability of the twelve nominated candidates for the post of Secretary-General when they participate in the first straw poll in the selection. The straw poll will take place in the consultations room. Attendance will be the permanent representative plus one other delegate, with the exception of the president and the two members who provide tellers who will have two delegates. There will be no officials from the Secretariat present and no official record of the results is kept.

Last month, members discussed the modalities for the straw polls and decided that the first straw poll would be conducted on 21 July, with no difference between the ballot papers of the members and non-members. All the ballots tomorrow will therefore be identical, with three columns marked “encouraged”, “discouraged” and “no opinion expressed”. As there will be one ballot paper for each candidate, members will be casting a total of 180 ballots.

Council members are familiar with all the candidates, as they have participated in informal dialogues in the General Assembly and have also each met privately with Council members. The twelve nominees are:

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