What's In Blue: Americas

  • 17 May 2011

    Haiti Elections

    It appears that Council members are close to agreement on a press statement following Saturday’s swearing-in of Michel Martelly as Haiti’s new president. Council members had been working on on a possible press statement last month which they had planned... Tags: , ,

  • 29 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Council members have in recent days been working on a possible press statement in which the Council would commend Haitians on the successful completion of the recent elections. The goal had been to release it following the announcement of the... Tags: , , ,

  • 5 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Tomorrow (6 April 2011) the Council will hold an open debate on Haiti. Colombia has chosen Haiti as a priority issue for its presidency of the Council this month and its president, Juan Manuel Santos will preside over the meeting.... Tags: ,

  • 1 April 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    On Thursday, 24 April, Council members had their second round of negotiations at the expert level on the draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April. During the Colombia’s presidency... Tags: , ,

  • 29 March 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Preparations for a high-level debate on Haiti on 6 April are currently underway. A draft presidential statement which is expected to be adopted at the debate was circulated to all Council members on Monday, 28 March, and the first expert... Tags: , ,

  • 23 March 2011

    Insights on Haiti

    Despite other pressures in recent days Council members have been keeping a watchful eye on Haiti’s run-off presidential elections, which took place on Sunday, 20 March. The voting went relatively smoothly and preliminary election results are expected on 31 March... Tags: , ,