Insights on the work of the UN Security Council

  • Tomorrow (4 May), the Council is scheduled to hold a high-level event on counter-terrorism with a focus on strengthening international cooperation in the implementation of counter-terrorism obligations. The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, will preside and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will...

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  • This morning (2 May) Council members adopted their provisional programme of work for May. While there are a number of routine briefings and mandate renewals scheduled for May, a number of recent issues that occupied the Council’s attention last month...

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  • 2 May 2012

    DRC Consultations

    On Thursday (3 May), Council members are to be briefed in consultations by the head of DPKO, Hervé Ladsous, on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The consultations have been called on France’s initiative, following confrontations and destabilising events...

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  • Council members are still negotiating a draft resolution addressing the deteriorating relations between Sudan and South Sudan. The US circulated the draft on Thursday (26 April) and a preliminary discussion was held that afternoon at Deputy Permanent Representative (DPR) level....

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  • 26 April 2012

    ICJ Elections

    Tomorrow (27 April), the Council and the General Assembly will both hold elections for the vacant position on the International Court of Justice (ICJ), following the resignation of Judge Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh (Jordan) on 31 December 2011. (Council resolution 2034...

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  • Tomorrow morning (26 April), the Council is scheduled to receive a briefing on the latest report of the Secretary-General (S/2012/231) on the AU-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) followed by consultations. It seems that Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Hervé Ladsous,...

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  • Tomorrow (26 April), Council members are scheduled to adopt a resolution renewing the Côte d’Ivoire sanctions regime for 12 months. The resolution, which will also renew the mandate of the Panel of Experts (PoE) that supports the 1572 Sanctions Committee,...

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  • Tomorrow (25 April), the Council will hold an open debate on securing borders against illicit flows. The Secretary-General is set to brief the Council with a large number of member states expected to participate. Council members began negotiating a presidential...

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  • Council members will be briefed tomorrow afternoon (24 April) on the recently authorised UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) in closed consultations by UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan (via video-link) and Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Hervé Ladsous. It...

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  • Tomorrow (24 April), Security Council members are set to adopt a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for another year. A draft resolution was discussed by the Group of Friends...

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  • Tomorrow morning (24 April) Council members will be briefed on women, peace and security by the Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet, and the Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Hervé Ladsous. The public briefing will be followed by consultations. It...

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  • It seems that the Council will meet this morning (21 April) at 11 a.m. for a possible vote on a resolution to authorise a UN mission in Syria. Council members met in consultations at permanent representative level late yesterday to...

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  • This afternoon (19 April), the Council is scheduled to receive a briefing on Guinea-Bissau followed by closed consultations among members. It seems the Council will hear from three foreign ministers: Mamadú Saliu Jaló Pires of Guinea-Bissau (who was out of...

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  • Tomorrow (20 April), Council members will attend an “Arria Formula” meeting on security sector reform (SSR) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The meeting is organised by France together with representatives of NGOs and will be a closed...

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  • Tomorrow (19 April), the Council is scheduled to hold a meeting on nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament and security with a briefing by the Secretary-General. This briefing is a primary focus for the US during its April presidency and follows on the...

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