Women, Peace and Security

  • August 2009

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    The Security Council is expected to hold an open debate on 6 August on the implementation of resolution 1820 on sexual violence in armed conflict. (Please see the brief on this issue in the July 2009 Monthly Forecast.) No Council action is expected at the time of the debate, but ongoing discussion between Council members on an outcome document is expected.

  • July 2009

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to hold a debate in July on implementation of resolution 1820 on sexual violence in conflict. (The Secretary-General’s report is due on 30 June). At press time it was unclear whether the report would be received on time and if the Council would consider it in July or August. It was also unclear whether there would be any formal Council action following the debate.

  • On 29 October the Council will hold an open debate on women, peace and security. In a concept paper circulated by the president of the Council (S/2008/655), the issue of women’s equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security was proposed as a possible theme for the debate.

  • The US, which has the presidency in June, has advocated for an open thematic debate on “women, peace and security: sexual violence in situations of armed conflict.” Council members have now agreed to schedule this for 19 June. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to chair the debate. It seems that Secretary-General

  • October 2007

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    On 23 October the Council will hold a debate on women, peace and security. A report from the Secretary-General assessing progress and presenting a new framework for inter-agency activities for the period covering 2008-2010 is expected, as well as a "concept paper" from Ghana as president of the Council. The debate seems likely to concentrate on the way forward for implementing resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, with particular focus on accountability for implementation. A presidential statement is likely.

  • October 2006

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council will hold its annual open debate on women, peace and security on 27 October. The theme of this year's discussion is women's role in the consolidation of peace. A presidential statement addressing the challenges of implementing and monitoring resolution 1325 on women, peace and security is the expected outcome.

  • On 23 February the Council will hold an open meeting on the issue of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeeping personnel. No formal outcome is expected.

  • November 2005

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    As this edition goes to press, a presidential statement urging the full implementation of resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, as well as welcoming the Secretary-General's provision of an action plan for the resolution, is expected to be the outcome of the 27 October open debate on this issue. The debate will focus on women's participation in peace processes, a theme proposed by the Romanian presidency, and will feature two speakers from civil society.