Women, Peace and Security

  • On Monday (15 May), the Council will hold an open debate on sexual violence. The debate will be chaired by José Luis Cancela, Vice Foreign Minister of Uruguay, and ministerial level participation by member states has been encouraged. The following...

  • May 2017

    Women and Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    In May, the Council expects to hold an open debate on the Secretary-General’s annual report on conflict-related sexual violence, focusing particularly on sexual violence in conflict as a tactic of war and terrorism. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and Under-Secretary-General Adama Dieng, who is currently officer-in-charge of the Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, will brief, together with Mina Jaf, Executive Director of Women Refugee Route, as a civil society representative. Uruguay plans to circulate a concept note ahead of the debate, but at press time, no outcome was anticipated.

  • The Council has created several tools with considerable potential to enable its members to increase their own access to and understanding of gender-related conflict analysis in the various country settings on its agenda. Council members have adopted new practices as well as continued using existing ones to respond to some of the recommendations of the three UN peace and security reviews conducted in 2014-2015 on peace operations, peacebuilding and implementation of resolution 1325 to this same end. Our research report, Women, Peace and Security: Closing the Security Council’s Implementation Gap, examines significant recent developments in the Council, most notably the establishment of the Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security and, for the first time, inviting women’s civil society representatives to brief the Council at country-specific meetings.

  • This afternoon, Italy and the UK are chairing an Arria-formula meeting on Women, Peace and Security and Mediation. Interventions will be made by Benedetto Della Vedova, Italy’s Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and Baroness Anelay, UK Minister of State...

  • On Tuesday (14 March), the Security Council will hold a ministerial-level open debate on “Trafficking in persons in conflict situations: forced labour, slavery and other similar practices”, held under the Council agenda item “Maintenance of international peace and security”. The...

  • This is Security Council Report’s fifth research report dedicated to tracking the UN Security Council’s performance in integrating women, peace and security into its deliberations and outcomes.

  • 19 December 2016

    Open Debate and Resolution on Human Trafficking

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (20 December), the Security Council will convene for a ministerial-level open debate on trafficking in persons in conflict situations, organised by Spain. The meeting will be chaired by Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy Brey. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Executive Director...

  • On Monday (5 December), Uruguay is organising an Arria-formula meeting on “Synergies between Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)”. The meeting will be open...

  • December 2016

    Human Trafficking

    Monthly Forecast

    In December, Yury Fedotov, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, will present the Secretary-General’s report on human trafficking to the Security Council. In addition, Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Bangura may participate, along with a trafficking victim. It is expected that a resolution will be adopted seeking to enhance international efforts to counter human trafficking.

  • October 2016

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    In late October, the Security Council will hold its annual debate on women, peace and security and the implementation of resolution 1325. The Executive Director of UN Women and two civil society representatives are expected to brief. The Secretary-General may also participate, though this was not confirmed at press time.

  • This morning (15 June), the Security Council is expected to adopt a presidential statement on women, peace and security which follows up the 28 March open debate on the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution in Africa, an...

  • June 2016

    Women, Peace and Security

    Monthly Forecast

    In early June, the Secretary-General and Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zainab Bangura will brief the Council on the annual report on conflict-related sexual violence. At press time, no outcome was planned.

  • Tomorrow (18 May), the Security Council expects to discuss key cross-cutting operational issues in UN peacekeeping during a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous and four force commanders: Lieutenant General Derick Mbuyiselo Mgwebi (South Africa) of the UN...

  • On Monday (28 March), at the initiative of Angola, the Security Council will hold an open debate on the role of women in conflict prevention and resolution in Africa. Angola circulated a concept note on 7 March in preparation for...

  • Tomorrow (10 March), the Secretary-General will brief the Security Council on his annual report to the General Assembly on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (A/70/729). The US circulated a draft resolution late last week supporting many...